Thursday, June 12, 2008

*NEW* Blog! I'm moving...already!

Come join me!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Juuuust a bit outside...!

Well, I didn't quite make a poem a day for the month of April. But I did do pretty good! The only times I missed were when my internet connection was flaky. So I'm going to go easy on myself and figure I did pretty dang good! And I enjoyed it...I enjoy Haiku (and Lune's, too, Laure!). I think they will be a regular "feature" here on The Frugal Feast...just because.

Here we are into May already...what is up with the time?!'s just flying by. Between working two jobs and running two boys around for baseball...not to mention life; husband, house, food, pets, LAUNDRY...I can't keep up! So...I gave up trying to. I do what I can when I can and call it a day. I figure I can be caught up on things when the boys are grown and gone. Then I'll have a neat and tidy house and WISH I had kid messes around! The grass is always greener, isn't it?


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Haiku #29

it's all in my head
days, one after another
stay afloat, breathe deep

Friday, April 25, 2008

Haiku #25

busy, busyness
running out of things to say
stop. sit and listen

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Haiku #24

at a loss sometimes
elusive words out of reach
nothing more to say

Haiku #23 on the 24th

what more could I say
that would make you believe me
enough to break free

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Haiku'd I miss a day..again?

read between the lines
listen to the still, small voice
I lead, you follow

Monday, April 21, 2008

random words...readiness

wishing time would slow
or come to an end
inner urgency
unexplainable certainty
moving closer
pulling away
let's do this

Haiku #21

alone as a child
hearing footsteps in my head
"Is that you, Jesus?"

Haiku #20

darkness clouds thinking
bottomless pits are pulling
me down, further down

Friday, April 18, 2008

Purchasing art on a budget.

I have been on an art buying spree. Original art. Limited edition art. Cool art. Dark art. Amazing art. Simple art. And all at very affordable prices. I have been a regular visitor to And just a word of warning should you choose to follow that handy dandy little can be a dangerous site to visit. Dangerous...and very UNfrugal if you're not careful!

I bought this:

And this:

And a few other pieces...ahem. Luckily I had some money stashed at Paypal so I was able to use that. I still have some left, too. Lookout!

Haiku #18

how do you stop it?
out of control, rescue us
the earth keeps spinning

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Haiku #17

I wake to Your word
the day starts, off and running
stay focused, look deep

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My mom got me this...

...for my birthday. It's a panini maker by Le Creuset. Only mine is in "Dune". I love it. I made some paninis the other night that were really tasty...sourdough bread, grilled chicken, fresh basil, thinly sliced tomato and onion and provolone. Yum. And of course, I forgot to take pictures with my new love of my life, my sweet camera. I thought to photograph them after we'd eaten. I really need to get the hang of this photgraphy thing. I did, after all, promise photographs.

I really need life to slow down. There just isn't time to do it all!

Haiku #16

bitten fingernails
years of angst kept at arms length
remember to breathe

Haiku #15...ode to IRS

you took my money
with no thanks in return
life, death and taxes

Monday, April 14, 2008

Haiku and Lunes.

I just realized why I am loving these forms of poetry. I think it has everything to do with my self-diagnosed (I know, I know...we're not supposed to self-diagnose...blah blah blah) ADD. These are quick and easy and give me instant gratification...even if they don't make sense or sound good. Ahem. I can at least feel like I've completed something!

and for that about a Lune while I'm at it?

look around
how can you deny
He exists

Haiku #14

shining sun beats down
etching the warmth on my skin
a love note from God.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Haiku #13

eludes me like restful sleep
I long to express

Haiku #12...a day late.

Yesterday sped by
start to finish like a flash
gone as it began

Friday, April 11, 2008

life is good.

My husband got this for me for my birthday. I am in love...with my hubby AND my camera. Now, I just have to learn how to USE it. Stay tuned for pictures...maybe not the greatest pictures...but pictures, nonetheless!

Haiku #10

they sip and listen
taking turns lending an ear
a new friend is made

Haiku #11

chosen for this time
created for a purpose
your will, shine through me

Maybe not!

So I started this post to write Haiku #10 and can you believe I forgot it?! I left it at home on the counter. I'll post it later if my internet decides to bless me with its presence.


No, I'm not really a slacker. But my internet connection was! I had no internet yesterday...amazing how reliant we've become on the internet, isn't it? Scary, really. So since I couldn't write my haiku, or shall I say TYPE my haiku, directly into my blog, can you believe I had to actually get a pen and a piece of paper and WRITE it down? Barbaric, I know. Unheard of. I feel so behind the times. Amazing any of us were able to manage before the internet, isn't it? I was talking to a friend the other day who dropped her cell phone and the battery popped out. When she put the phone back together it wasn't working. So she thought to give a call to someone to help her out. But do you know she couldn't call anyone because she didn't know any of their numbers? That's right. They were all programmed into her phone, but no phone=no numbers=no communication. Scary. I remember when I had tons of numbers in my head. I knew everyone's number by heart...I can still remember my childhood phone number...793-6950. We are just too reliant on technology..

I think I'm going to go buy myself a pocket phone book and start writing people's number down, like in the old days. Just in case.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Haiku #9

Days burn together
Night turns to light, day to dark
Look past what you see

"thinking on" poetry...

The other day I received a sweet comment from a new blog friend, Laure over at Selah.... So I went to her blog to check her out! I was intrigued because of the name of her blog, Selah. It's biblical, and means "think on these things" or "ponder on these things". You see it in the Psalms quite a bit. Well...she enjoys poetry (not to mention, photography!), too...and writes some herself. Today I checked in at her blog and she'd written about a form of poetry I'd never heard of...a Lune. It's similar to a haiku but rather than 5-7-5 syllables, it consists of 3-5-3 syllables.

For example:
the whispers
heard deep in my heart
are pure love
Now, I have to say, the Lune is a bit trickier than the haiku. I thought it would be easier because there are fewer syllables. But really, it's a bit more of a challenge because there are fewer syllables! You have to really choose your words carefully to convey a thought or paint a picture for the reader.
Try one! See what you can come up with! And check out Selah...she explains the Lune way better than I did!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Haiku #8

My eyes are open
light lets me see the truth and
also the darkness

Monday, April 7, 2008

Haiku #7..a tribute to Oprah

The distractions make you small
Look up, not within

Haiku #6 on the 7th...oops

You died on the cross
I didn't know for so long
Now I am awake

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Haiku #5

Too tired to write
can't come up with clever words
the day is over.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Haiku #4

Breathing is shallow
Thoughts of tomorrow bring fear
You alone give peace

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Braver by the day.

Is "braver" a word? Well, today it is! Because I feel it.

I dropped off two old art pieces at the gallery yesterday for them to display on the wall. The director encouraged me to bring them in as she had an empty spot on the wall. The pieces I took her were from 2000. Assemblage at that.'s all I had that wasn't either given away or packed away. It was just proof that I need to get my butt in gear and make some new art!


Haiku #3

The sun burns the sky
Miraculous fire and heat
Warms my skin through glass

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Haiku #2 (so I can catch up!)

Mud and mire, I slipped
The darkness swallowed me whole
You were not afraid

Haiku #1

You came along side
Urging me to give it up
You showed me the way.

Haiku schmaiku.

According to my sweet friend, April is National Poetry Month. (I don't know who told her this. Regardless, I'm going with it.) In honor of this, she's writing lots of cool poetry all month long.

I'm impressed. And also inspired. So, I've decided to follow suit. And since Haiku is my specialty (I use that term VERY loosely) I'm going to follow suit and write a Haiku a day for the whole month.

"Can she do it?", you ask. Don't feel bad...I'm asking the same question! Can I really make a plan and stick to it? Hmm...well, I can sure try!

Wish me luck!

Sink or swim.

I took the plunge...the plunge I've been threatening to take for over 8 years. I joined my local art gallery. I am an official, contributing member as of yesterday...yes, April Fool's Day...but I don't celebrate that day! So I wasn't being foolish! I was dead serious...finally. I'm really excited. And..a bit intimidated! There's a juried show in two I better get a move-on!

I'm feeling giddy and crazy...

I love it!

(And to keep it on a Frugal note: Yesterday's membership fee was only $15 because the new year begins in it was prorated...lest you think I'm being frivolous!)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1. Already.

So many ideas, so little time. This is my mantra as of late. My mind is a whirl with things to do and make and photograph and write about and cook and...and...and..! It's never-ending. But, days ARE ending. So...instead, I do what I gotta do...and wish for more time to do what I WANNA do. *Sigh*

I have been avoiding my blog...boycotting, if you will...waiting patiently for a new digital camera. I am pretty sure that my dear hubby is going to get one for me for my birthday (in 10 days...!). I can hardly wait. Seriously. I'm like a little kid. Like Veruka. "I want it and I want it NOOWWW." I try to control myself, however...since sounding like a spoiled brat is likely to get me NOWHERE.


I guess I can blame it on not having a camera. But the reality is that finding my blog voice has been a challenge. When I created this blog I felt like it needed to have a focus...a theme...a reason. But what I'm finding is that trying to keep within a theme is quite limiting. My mind is not that narrow...I don't JUST think about being frugal. I think about cooking...and family...and home decor. I think about God and Jesus and the universe...the world...starvation and thirst...children being used as sex slaves...homelessness...drug addiction...the list goes on. Yes, being frugal and being a good steward of what God provides me is very important. And I love to share what I discover. But it adds up to more than just dinner.

So...that being said....if there is anyone reading this, just know that changes are ahead. Yes, more pictures. But also, more words. More thoughts. More reality.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Is it really March already?!

I cannot believe that I haven't posted in almost a MONTH! Part of my being "frugal" is my cheap-ness in not wanting to pay for internet at our house. We have it here at our office. Which is nice. But it limits the time I can use it recreationally. Apparently, since I do the books for our business, my husband expects me to get some work done or something. Doesn't he understand that I need to BLOG?!

So a lot has gone on since I last posted. I've been training for my part-time job selling window coverings. The boys have started baseball...which entails being at the ballpark or the practice field six (yes, SIX) days a week. We've been working on the the garage, the yards, the closets, behind things...dust bunnies don't count as pets, apparently. It's amazing what I see when I go to people's homes. Selling window coverings requires me to go to in-home consultations. And selling window coverings requires me to measure windows. This means I have to go behind furniture...and move furniture...and pull up shades that haven't been pulled up in a long time...and it shows. The things one finds behind other people's window shades and furniture is way more icky than finding things behind my own. And going in to other people's children's rooms and seeing how they allow their children to live...and to's a bit scary. And a lot enlightening. And it motivated me to get under and behind my OWN stuff...and in to my OWN kids' rooms...and clean the HECK out of it all! It's amazing what can motivate us.

I have been making menu plans, too. Working for someone else has changed things for me quite a bit. Working for my husband is one thing. I pretty much make my own schedule.I can stay home for a "take care of the house" day, if I need to. I can leave the office at whatever time I need to in order to get errands run, or kids picked up, or dinner started, or whatever I need to do. But working for someone else, even if it is only two days a week, changes all of that...a lot.

SO...since I still want to feed my family healthy, cost-effective meals I am having to rethink the way I do some things.

  • I am going to utilize my Crock-Pot a lot more.

  • I am going to make Menus using the sale ads.

  • I am going to prepare one-dish meals in the morning and refrigerate them for my husband to pop into the oven when he gets home, should he get home before me.

The first night I trained for my job I didn't get home until about 6pm. I had not planned to work so late, so I had not planned anything quick and easy for dinner. I was exhausted...and brain-dead...and just plain not willing to cook. And actually, even I had been willing to cook, my brain was so fried that I couldn't have thought of something to make if our lives depended on it! So...we did what many other families do in situations like that. We went out to eat.

$40 later, and irritated about paying for a meal that was NOT worth that much, I decided that I needed to do something different on my work days. And so far I've done pretty well. I've been making one food to work for two dinners. A whole roast chicken, a roasted pork loin large enough for two meals, extra mashed potatoes at one dinner to be used as a topping for Shepherd's Pie for another dinner, etc. It's working splendidly. I am thinking of investing in this:

I have to say she's a bit annoying to watch. And I really wish she would just go for the gusto and actually SEASON that food....her little bits of salt and pepper drive me insane. Put it on there, girl! But, other than that, I think she's got some good ideas. And I can always add more seasonings as I see fit, right? I mean, I never have been one to follow a recipe to the exact measurement. Why would I start now?

Once I get this whole meal planning/menu planning/shopping with ads thing down I'll share some of my ideas. The roast chicken on Sunday morphed into Chicken Paninis on Tuesday was a really good one. I got approval from the whole family!

Friday, February 15, 2008

I love a bargain.

I realized last week that we have one of those discount home stores, Tuesday Morning, within 15 miles of my house. I have been seeing it advertised for a while now but never knew there was one so close. I decided to go check it out last week. I have to say, I wasn't impressed. Not at all. I much prefer my usual Home Goods, Marshall's and Ross for reasonably priced home decor items. BUT, I did find ONE thing that made me very happy. A copy of Food to Live By by Myra Goodman. This had been on my Amazon Wish List for months! And I found it at Tuesday Morning for $14.99. Regularly priced it would have been $35. Amazon has it for $14.93. Cheaper, yes. But I would have had to pay for shipping. So for me this was a GOOD deal. And so far I love it. It's got lots of stories of how their farm got started...what they grow...what they do...tells about their roadside many recipes that sound really, really good. I haven't tried one yet...but the weekend is here...and I plan on relaxing in the kitchen!

Here it is feeling quite at home on the hutch in my kitchen.
I'll let you know which recipe I chose and how it turned out!

Pink with Sprinkles!

Can you guess what I'm going to make?
Oh yeah...the PINK marshmallows are melting nicely.
Just about ready...
Mmmmm...yum...the finished product.
Pink Rice Krispie treats with sprinkles for my sweet Valentine's.

Yesterday while perusing the clearance aisles at Target I ran across some PINK marshmallows! They were priced at .84 cents a bag! I couldn't resist...I bought three bags. Two for the kids Valentine's party we had at church last night and one for my own family. I purchased Target brand puffed rice cereal for $1.67 a box. So for roughly $7.50 I had three glorious pans of pink marshmallow-y goodness! They were delicious!

My Valentine was very sweet. At Christmas time I had mentioned wanting a wood carving tool set so that I can make some lino carvings. Well, he had already spent his Christmas budget for my presents and wasn't able to get the carving set for me. That was OK...his budget was well spent and I loved all of my Christmas presents. Christmas came and went and I pretty much forgot about the carving set...thinking of it on occasion and putting it in the back of my head for a "purchase someday". Then on Tuesday we were at the church helping with a luncheon and someone had brought a bag of Hershey's chocolates. I scrounged around looking for a Mr. Goodbar...without any luck...then made a comment about wishing there was a Mr. Goodbar in the bag because I love them so much.

So here's where the sweet part comes in. And I should preface this whole story with the fact that I told him I did NOT want flowers this year. For the amount of money spent on flowers I could have a WHOLE lot more AND it wouldn't die in 3 days. This meant he'd either have to get me nothing OR be creative. Luckily, he chose creative! My Valentine surprised me with a GIANT Mr. Goodbar and a wood carving tool set, AND some graphite tracing paper! He also gave me a nice card with the most beautiful words inside that he'd written himself. I was so touched. I think it just might be the best Valentine's Day yet. So thoughtful and romantic and sweet...I love him more and more each day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

After a week's deliberation...

...and much talking to myself, I had to go back to the thrift shop and purchase this tri-fold mirror. (click on photo to enlarge if you want. I got myself in it a bit, but that's OK) I don't know how old it is, but I do know that I love it. Originally when I bought it I thought it would be cute on an upright dresser. And I have an upright dresser, but there's no room on it because it's full of other really important stuff. Seriously. I mean it. Well, mostly important stuff.
Anyway, I decided that it might look cute on my sideboard in my living room. It's a bit more cluttered than I'd like but it'll do for now. Notice the Christmas bulbs in the nest under the cloche? Yeah. I know it's February. Ahem.
But yeah...the mirror. I love it. And I'm really glad I purchased it. I paid $35 for it...which is a splurge for me. But I went back to the thrift store THREE TIMES to look at it...and I loved it each time...and I thought about it at home...and while I was driving...and while I was washing dishes. And I know myself. When I think about something that much it means that I really do love it and will truly cherish it for many years to come.
This presents a challenge for me because while I like to give myself overnight to think about a purchase...usually one that is not necessary for survival (although I'm sure some of you could provide some very valid arguments as to how certain items are life-giving...I hear you, I do.) such as a mirror, or an area rug (I thought about that one for a WEEK before I finally went back and bought my surprise it was on SALE when I went back to make the purchase! Go me!) this may cause me to miss out on a very good deal on something, say some china plates and a platter that would have been so stinkin' cute on a dining room wall, for instance...yes, when I'm irritated I repeat myself AND I use run-on sentences. But I'm still sad about the plates and platter. I knew I should have grabbed them. It was just really hard to justify the expense because we don't HAVE a formal dining room right now. I'm hoping that changes within the next year, though.
Come on bigger house! I'm ready when you are!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The price is right.

Isn't it funny how we remember the prices we pay for things? Especially when it was a really good price?! And really...I don't know that I remember what something cost when it was purchased new...or for regular price (which rarely happens, by the way). I always just know it was "too much".


Do you find this to be true for you, too?
What's the best deal you've ever gotten on a favorite item?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Psalm 116

6The LORD preserves the simple;
I was brought low, and He saved me.

Just another day at the thrift store.

When I was 19 my friend invited me to go to the flea market with her. Her family went to flea markets often since her dad was in the junk yard business. (I hadn't been to a flea market since I was around eight or so when my dad took me with him to sell his wares. I remember him selling a stained glass lamp shade and being sad about it and walking to the snack bar all by myself to get us some hot dogs. Times have changed haven't they? I wonder if my mom would have let me walk there alone? I wonder if she knew HE let me?) I had nothing better to do, so I went to the flea market with my friend. I was instantly smitten. I still remember what I purchased: a vintage woman's hat, complete with a disintegrating netted veil for $4; an old water cooler jug for $2 and a large mirror for $12 that I still have and display with pride (I'll take pictures's in dire need of some Windex!). That was it. I was a flea market fan.

Since then I've been frequenting flea markets, yard sales and thrift shops...and finding great deals along the way.

So last week I was at our local thrift shop that benefits a women's shelter here in town. They are really organized, have great prices and are super nice. I asked about canning supplies one day and it led to a lengthy conversation with my new canning friend, Francine. Francine works at the thrift shop...and she cans...and she sets stuff aside for me in her trunk for when I come in the next time! How nice is that? She's set aside a dozen quart size canning jars and a large canning pot with a rack for me. I bought it all.

When I was in last week picking up the canning supplies I saw a really cool, old tri-fold mirror. It was marked $35. And worth it. But I had to think on it. Dangerous move in the world of thrift shops. Here today, gone tomorrow. I learned that the hard way last week when I did NOT buy the gorgeous china plates and platter for $6 only to go back the next day specifically to buy it (because it would be SO CUTE on a dining room wall but I don't have a dining room wall so I had a hard time justifying the purchase even though I should have bought the stuff and saved it for when I DO have a dining room. OK. Lesson learned.) and it was gone, gone, gone. And probably hanging on someone else's dining room wall looking totally cute. Dangit. First time, shame on you. Second time, shame on me. So I bought the mirror. And I'm glad I did. If I hadn't, it would be like "the one that got away". Much like the china, dangit.

The white pieces with the red stripe are the size of a small runner and made of linen. I got two of them. And I just love them. I don't have a use for them quite yet. But don't worry, I will.

Also shown is the afghan...I actually purchased this a few weeks back and am just now getting a picture of it!

The best part of it all? I still love these items. No buyer's remorse...not one tiny bit. And THAT is what makes it worth it...right?

The Super Bowl. It's all about the food.

This year neither one of us is particularly interested in either one of the team's playing. No offense. It's just that my husband is a Cleveland Browns fan...and I go along with that! However, we do enjoy a good ol' Super Bowl Sunday...if only for the food!

For the record...we're rooting for the Giants.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Haiku #3

Amazing to me
that something so wonderful
came from such a mess.

Give a girl a fig.

I love figs. I haven't always loved figs. As a matter of fact, I didn't eat a fig until I was 25 years old. I rented a tiny little hole in the wall apartment about 7 miles outside of town and there was a fig tree in my driveway. I didn't even know what it was! But I took my grandmother out one day to see my new pad and she about came unglued because I had a fig tree.
"Is that what that is?!" I didn't know. Not to mention it was one of the ugliest trees I'd ever seen.
"Yes! Oh, I love figs! You'll have to pick some for me when they're ripe."
Eventually they ripened. And as promised, I picked some for my grandmother. I even delivered them! And we had a nice visit while eating figs. And I really, really liked them. A lot. Who knew?
Thanks to my grandmother, and my little apartment in the country, I would like to plant a fig tree someday. Our dream is to buy country property...someday. So, when we DO buy country property...someday...I'll be planting a fig tree.
And an orange tree.
And a Meyer lemon tree.
And a plum tree.
And a persimmon tree.
And lots of vegetables.
The gorgeous photo above is from Whole Foods. Go visit!

Friday, February 1, 2008

"...and let the flavors marry."

A while back I tried my hand at making lentil soup. It turned out fine. But not delicious like I'd hoped. But since I'd made such a large batch I decided to freeze individual servings for lunch. I didn't want it to go to waste, after all.

Fast forward to today...and a crazy morning of running late, a sick kid, too much to do and not enough food in the house. I left the house with nothing in mind for lunch. And being on a usual...I dreaded the thought of buying convenience food...again. Then I remembered, "Hey. I think I have one container of lentil soup left in the freezer at the office!" Sure enough, I peeked in the freezer and there it was. I have to admit, I wasn't real excited about it. But, it was sustenance, and healthy sustenance at that, so it would do. To my surprise...and delight...lentil soup gets better with age! Apparently lentil soup is much like spaghetti sauce or anything "the next day" and the flavor improves! Nice.

Now I'm full. And satisfied. And encouraged to do more cooking and freezing! Anyone have any recipes they'd like to share that freeze well? I'm all ears!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Haiku #2

sometimes it's too much
to try and keep from drowning
step out of the boat

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Long, lazy Saturday.

And BOY do I NEED it. I slept in until 8 this morning. I am usually up around 6am so that I can have about 45 minutes of quiet to read my bible. In June I decided to read the bible, cover to cover. I'm in Acts right now. I did get some reading time in this morning, which was nice. Then my husband got up and we sat around in our jammies sipping coffee.
My oldest son is sick...I am pretty sure he's got strep throat due to the tell-tale white spots on the back of his tongue. So rather than lounge around all day in my pj's I ended up showering and getting dressed to go to the store for some Jell-O, sherbet and Gatorade. I have the poor guy quarantined in his room since strep is so contagious. But he's got a pretty nice set up....cozy bed, lots of pillows, a bedside tray with juice, tissue and the remote. I also rented some movies for him to watch using his PS2! He's got it made...aside from that terrible croupe cough and sore throat, of course.
I'm doing the home remedy opposed to taking him to the doctor. I try to stay away from antibiotics as much as possible. I've never been one to rush my kids to the dr. at every sniffle or fever. And I read online that strep will go away in 3-7 days regardless if you take an antibiotic or not. So...we're opting for home care. I made some chicken soup..and that cures everything, right? He's staying hydrated thanks to Gatorade and otter pops! His fever spiked this afternoon so I'm just keeping a good eye on him. I did give him Tylenol to help with that and discomfort, though. I'm not against medication altogether. Just not a lot of it.

Earlier I was looking online for some home remedies using things I'd normally have in my cupboard. Because honestly, I don't keep bark and roots handy. I did find one web site...Granny Med I think?...that had a ton of home remedies. I just wasn't sure which ones would REALLY work. So...I didn't use any of them. Although the sliced onion soaked in honey did sound interesting. I'd be interested to know what is it in the onion that makes for a good sore throat remedy. Anyone have that answer? Let me know if you do!

I better check the chicken soup...I think it's due for a stir!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Frugality as Haiku?

I feel like I have to explain this random Haiku post.
For some reason I get the Haiku bug now and then and just feel like I need to write one. I've always fantasized about being a writer...for whatever reason I feel I have a story to tell. I think we all do, really.
And I would love to be able to write poetry. But it's just not one of my gifts. I suppose my mind isn't abstract enough? Maybe I'm too literal? Too predictable?
Whatever it is...whatever the reason for my inability to write poetry...whatever the reason may be, in my mind it doesn't apply to Haiku. Therefore, I think I can actually DO it! So I go with it...I live it...I become one with the Haiku. Only once in a while.
I noticed, however, that I numbered it "Haiku #1".
This leads me to believe that maybe there are more in my future...I'm just sayin'.

Haiku #1

whispers in my heart
calling me away from self
I am not my own

When life gives you lemons.

OR, as in my case, when your aunt, who's really more like your sister, gives you a really cute wire basket from Crate and Barrel FULL of gorgeous Meyer lemons from the tree in her backyard for Christmas...make frozen lemon juice cubes to use later for cooking!
She gave me so many lemons I couldn't possibly use them all. And I knew I wanted to juice them to use later to melt in sauces, etc. So I went on a search for ice cube trays. And would you believe I could not FIND any? Someone said they might be a summer thing? Whatever the reason, I couldn't find any. But the other day I stopped by the local thrift shop and found two ice cube trays for a quarter each! They were purple...which threw me off for a minute...but then I got over it and realized they weren't going to be on display or anything so what did it matter?
Last night I squeezed all of the lemons into a measuring cup, poured the juice into the ice cube trays and froze them overnight. I'll put them in zipper storage baggies for later use! This makes me so happy...for so many reasons. I love the fact that the lemons were free. I love the fact that they didn't go to waste. I love the fact that I was able to find the tools I needed to do what I wanted to do at the thrift store...for VERY inexpensive.
The only downside to this? Now I need something else to display in the cute wire basket!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I love it when dinner extends to lunch.

Last night I made a chicken dish that made enough for my husband and I to have it for lunch, too! I have to admit that I am not one to plan meals. I mean, I think about it...and I peruse the sale ads...and I base my meals on what's on sale. But I don't plan each and every meal down to the condiment for a week...or even scarier...a MONTH?! And I certainly don't do all of buy what's on sale PLUS use double coupons and rebates. I would love it if I WERE this organized. I would. I am so amazed at the people that can do this. Amazed. But...I'm not that amazing. Not even close. I do what I can, though...

I knew I wanted to make pasta. Number one, it's good. Number two, it's easy. Number three, it's quick! I also knew I had some half and half in the fridge as well as grated Parmesan and frozen peas. Sounds good to me. But I knew my husband and sons would like some meat in that combo. I decided to defrost two boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cube them then saute them in olive oil and fresh garlic. I used the tasty brown bits on the bottom of the pan and some pasta water to make a light sauce. I then added the half and half, the pasta and the cheese and combined and warmed through. While the pasta warmed I made garlic bread, heated the peas and made a simple green salad as sides. It was quite tasty! And I had enough for leftovers for lunch today.

So I figure it cost me roughly $6 for four meals. FOUR! This does not inlcude the cost of milk, which we've been going through like CRAZY lately. Either way...I would say that's pretty frugal!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I did it. I'm free!

I bought a reusable grocery tote from the grocery store tonight. I just DID it. I got to the self-checkout and there it was, right in front of me. So I grabbed it, scanned it and filled it up with my items. It was 25 cents. I figure I can spare the landfill at least 20 plastic bags or so by using it.

And I have to admit...I felt quite happy and, yes, a tiny bit smug, as I walked to my car with my eco-friendly bag.

Hesitant. Or, It's Not About Me.

I've pretty much always been frugal. I have always wanted the most for my money. I've always appreciated flea markets and garage sales. I'm not afraid of previously owned items...usually. I like a good bargain...and always have. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Along with being frugal I also want to be health conscious and to feed my family healthy food. I'm finding, however, that "frugal" and "healthy" don't always go together easily. But...although a big part of my challenge...this is not what I want to talk about.

It all started when the challenge to feed my family healthy food led me on a rabbit trail. I began searching frugal blogs...that led to money saving blogs...that led to sustainable living blogs...and organic blogs...and eventually to Green blogs. Sometimes the blog were all of the above...I think they must have rabbit trailed, too! However it happened...I stumbled upon my dilemma...

Are you ready?

OK. Here it is...

Reusable grocery bags.

There. I said it.

I know the words are nonthreatening enough...say it with me, "Reusable.Grocery.Bags". And I know I shouldn't let them intimidate me the way they do. Especially since I actually bought one not long ago from Trader Joe's. And that was easy enough to do. No threat. As a matter of fact, I was proud of it. And still am. My problem...and my buying reusable bags from larger chain grocery stores...Lucky, Safeway, etc. I see them EVERY time I shop. And I KNOW I need to buy them. But I don't. And I don't know why. And I cringe at the matter what they bag my items in..."paper or plastic?". Why do I not buy them? And more importantly...USE them? Why? Is it because they're not cute like the one's at TJ's? Possibly. Or maybe it's because the regular grocer's aren't as...hip? to shop at? Maybe. Is it because I have a victim mentality and beating myself up for using plastic in some way makes me feel...something? No. That's not it. But it was kind of funny to think about in that way.

Honestly, I think it's because they're not as cute. Nor are they made as well. But that what it's about? Is it about how they look? They're outward appearance? Or is it what they represent? And what they will DO for our environment...even if helping just a little bit to make a difference.

I know the answer to my rhetorical question. I do. I think what I need to do is let myself off the hook and commit to buying a couple of them...using them on a trial basis...and just SEE what I think. No pressure. No threat. No strings attached. That sounds good...I can do this.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Time flies...when you win an award?

AND when you have no internet. (Probably because I actually got stuff DONE instead of seeing what everyone ELSE was doing!)

No internet makes me kinda cranky. Especially when I want to come HERE and see what's going on! And even MORE especially when I return to find that I've won an AWARD! Robin over at Heart at Home awarded me with an Excellent Blog Award! Wow! And I wasn't even sure anyone was picking up what I was laying down here at The Frugal Feast. It's nice to know some of you get me! (I kinda feel like Sally Field a little bit.)

Thank you, Robin SO much. And for those of you who may not be familiar with Robin...go check out her encouraging Blog...she's amazing.

And per Award Etiquette...I'm off to award 10 others!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

When one door closes, another one opens.

This amazing photo courtesy of

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Brand new items at Thrift Store prices.

I got a part-time job selling window coverings. I'm very excited about it! I went on my first training ride-along this afternoon and it went really well. I think I'm going to enjoy it! Having a part-time job means that I need some new clothes. I've been working in our office for the last 5 years so I've gotten quite comfortable and casual in my clothing choices. I needed to get some clothes that were a bit more professional.

I stopped in at my local Marshall's yesterday and ended up getting two pair of shoes on clearance, Anne Klein...$25 each. Then I headed over to the tops and found for $5, one for $7 and one for $10. The $5 one is Carole Little. Not bad! I actually bought 5 blouses but two of them fit funky so they have to go back.

I still need some khakis...I'm having a heck of a time finding a cute pair that fit nicely. Luckily, I can wear jeans. And I am a JEANS kinda girl. But I'd still like to have a pair or two of khakis. I'll just have to keep looking!

Friday, January 11, 2008

I got sucked in!

I popped into Target yesterday morning for a few household items and such (and a NOT very frugal latte from Starbuck's...yeah, yeah, I know...but hey, nobody's perfect!) and ended up heading to the toy section to see what I could find for my son's 10th birthday coming up on the 17th. As I rounded the corner I was shocked to see lines of women with carts piled so high with toys that they were toppling off of their carts. My mouth must have dropped disgust and judgment I must the sheer craziness of what I was witnessing.

Regardless of my opinion of these greedy moms, I proceeded closer. After waiting my turn to get down the aisle I realized that the whole aisle, and the one next to that one, are FULL of clearance toy items. And not just sale prices...I'm talking CLEARANCE prices...for real. 75% off.

Doing my best to keep my composure I began poking around...and steering clear of the other moms who meant business. One by one, I added bargain items to my OWN after the other after the other.

"Hmmm...isn't Emily's birthday coming up? And what about Averie? And Nathan? Or was it Ben?", I thought to myself. By this time...I'm TRYING to find people to buy for. This could be dangerous.

Before I knew cart was near full. It wasn't toppling over...thanks to my stellar restraint...ahem...but I was *this* close. I got some FUN stuff for my son for his birthday. A few of the fun finds are: a gooey brain experiment kit, an egg drop experiment kit, Air Hogs, and the best one...a $160 projector for $40! (He got a video camera for Christmas and has steadily been making amazing films that only an almost-10-year-old can make. He films them, directs them and then edits them on the computer.) This projector will allow him to show his films BIG on a blank wall. And he can use it for video games, too! He's gonna love it. It was truly a great find.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

I sheepishly made my way to the checkout...feeling the need to express my apologies to all of the women I judged just 30 short minutes ago. But as the clerk ran each item over the scanner and my tally came up on the register display...all bad feelings melted away knowing that I'd saved 75% on nearly everything in my cart.

Does this justify the splurge on the latte? I like to think so.

photo of sweet grocery cart courtesy of oompa toys

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I love Kid Art

Goals - Part One

To be honest, I don't know how many "parts" this whole goal thing will be. I know that I want to make a list of goals, and I know what a few of them are, but it seems that each day a new goal pops up. could go on a while.

And really, it should. I should never stop setting goals for myself. I should strive to set a goal, meet it and move on to something new. Right?

So, I'm going to shoot for the moon.

Stay tuned for The List.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oh, how I love Ballard Designs.

And usually, I only sit and look through the catalog, wishing and longing for some of the pretty things on the pages. Well, today I actually BOUGHT some of those things! AND, the best part, they were 75% Off, PLUS an additional 30% off the sale price!! Yes. You read that right.

I bought a set of these adorable wreaths.

...and a set of these mercury glass acorns.

These items, along with a Cuisinart hand mixer, were purchased with Christmas money from my grandparents. Thank you Noni and Papa! I love them!

I love a good bargain!

Speaking of frugal...weren't we?

Made an impromptu thrift store stop today.

I came home with this book for $2.

And a dozen of these for $4.:
I also got a really cool afghan that I will show a picture of later. My digital camera actually took a so-so picture for me!

Commitment Four

Set goals.
For 2008 I won't be making any
resolutions, because for me a resolution is like saying I'm going to go on a diet. The word diet, for me, equates to "eat more". Quit smoking always meant "smoke more". (But I finally DID quit...thank God.)
Resolution means "set myself up for failure". And quite frankly, I want good things this year. I want success. I want to accomplish things. And in order to do this successfully, I feel that setting goals is what I need to do.
Sadly, I've never really set goals. I've always flown by the seat of my pants, taking what came my way each day, like it or not, and dealing with it, rightly or not, as it flew at me. And somehow I've managed...I've survived. But I want more than that. I don't want to be content with managing or getting by. I want to make things happen on purpose. I want to LIVE on purpose. Not haphazardly. I don't mean that I want total control, or total organization, and no room to veer from that.
As far as I'm concerned, God is in total control. And I know that if I follow Him, rely on Him, stay focused on Him, and make this list of goals and rely on HIM to help me DO them...then I believe I will be successful, because of Him.
My list of goals will be made with God. I will take this desire to Him in prayer. I will follow Him, completely. Because His Word says that if I delight myself in Him, He will give me the desires of my heart. (He says this for you, too...!) And by "the desires of my heart" I don't mean a Cadillac and jewels. Sometimes we don't even KNOW the desires of our hearts until God places them there. Imagine! On the other hand, there are some things that I want out of life, and God knows them all. Some are spiritual. Some are physical. Some are financial. Some are for my husband, and for my kids. And yes, some of those desires are "stuff". He knows them all...because He knows my heart better than I do. So I'll ask Him for help in making this list of goals. I think I may be surprised by what ends up on that list!
I'm excited to see what God has in store for me.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you help me to set goals for my life. Speak to my heart, and I will do my best to listen. I love you, Lord.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Commitment Three

Study the Bible.
Once I finish reading the bible in it's entirety I plan to then study it.
I don't know what this will consist of; whether I'll study a whole book of the bible, perhaps one of the minor prophets?
Or maybe study a person in the bible, Joshua or Caleb, maybe?
I could even take one chapter of one book...or even one VERSE and do a word by word study, breaking it down to the bottom line truth.
I don't know where I'll begin, I just know that it's the next thing to do. And I'm really excited about it. I almost can't wait to get to the end so I can begin the study part! And now that all of the holiday rush and craziness is over, I can get back on track, back to my "schedule" of getting up early before everyone else and taking some quiet time to read God's Word. It's a great time; it's quiet, I've got my coffee, my journal, my hiliters and sticky notes...just me and God starting the day. It's nice.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Commitment Two

Finish reading the bible.

I began reading my bible, from Leviticus since I'd already read Genesis, in late June. I just started Luke. My commitment is to read the bible all the way through. I am really enjoying it. I had no idea that I would love the Old Testament as much as I do. I was sad when I was finished with it! I can't say that I have retained much. Well, let me rephrase that. I think I've retained a lot because I can recall quite a bit when I hear it again. What I can't do is remember exactly where everything is, or what it said, or names. But it wasn't my intention to memorize it all. My intention was to get it in my head once through...then go back and study individual books or events. That is the part I'm excited about...the deeper study.

Until then, however, I'll keep plugging along with my highlighter and sticky notes, reading and taking notes in each book of the bible until I reach the end.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Commitment One

Grow My Own Food.

This spring, after the last frost of course, my boys and I are going to plant food in our backyard. I don't necessarily want to call it a garden because it's not going to be your typical rectangular plot of land with everything planted in nice, pretty rows. Not that that's a bad thing. As a matter of fact, if it were possible, I'd have exactly that. But since my backyard is not designed in such a way, my garden will be different.

Last summer my husband planted grass in our backyard and installed some lawn edging all around the yard, leaving a 2 foot border for planting all around the perimeter. Originally I was going to plant it full of drought tolerant, low-maintenance plants...mostly flowering for some color. But since last summer I've done lots of research on gardening, sustainable living and canning. And because of this I've decided that, while flowering plants are nice and beautiful, I would rather fill my planters with homegrown vegetables and fruit. This will be a challenge because we have a HUGE pecan tree that shades half of the yard. So I can only plant in certain areas where there is enough sun. But it's doable. Definitely. I have a lot of containers that I can utilize as well. I've got pots and barrels and two raised beds. And then the areas in the yard where there is full sun.

Ideally I would have a rectangular plot of land to call my garden. Instead, I've got areas. I've also got a dog that likes to let us know that the backyard is HIS territory...if you know what I mean? So fencing would be ideal. But seeing as how I'll be gardening in strips, containers and borders, a fence isn't gonna work. Any ideas? I'd love to hear any tips or advice.

What will we grow?

Tomatoes (for eating and for canning my own sauce)
Green Peppers
Hot peppers
Green beans
Sugar Snap Peas
Flat leaf parsley

Have I forgotten anything? It's dangerous reading the gardening catalogs. One could go a little over the top with the order form! But I will try to keep it to what we'll eat...regardless of how beautiful the pictures are. I would love to grow corn but we really don't have room. Not to mention we've got a great fruit stand nearby that sells delicious corn that is grown locally. So I'll utilize them for whatever I don't grow.

I also want to plant a Meyer lemon in one of my half barrels and possibly a dwarf orange or a tangerine. I'm leaning toward the tangerine because they're beautiful and delicious. But I am not sure yet. I have to read up on citrus more. I haven't researched it enough yet.

I'm so excited to grow my own food. It's my first step in becoming less dependent on "the man". Ha!

Happy New Year!

This year has started off slow...and for that I am thankful. Because LAST year went out with a bang and no room to breathe! And I have to admit, between Christmas celebrations, family visiting and staying with us, New Year's parties and weddings in between...I haven't hardly cooked! And if I did get in the kitchen it was to grab yet another piece of Almond Roca!

I guess not cooking can be quite frugal since it forces everyone to choose from what we've got sitting around...leftovers, frozen corn dogs, frozen burritos, turkey sandwiches...or in my case, salami, sliced cheese and sugar snap peas in ranch.

I didn't make any resolutions. I haven't in years. Probably because I felt I was always setting myself up for failure. This year is no different. I haven't made any resolutions. But I have made a few commitments to myself. A list of "wants" if you will. Desires. None of them include weight or quitting any stinky habits. It's really a matter of setting a goal...and doing my best to reach it. I have never done that. I just go along handling things as they come my way without any real thought as to what I WANT in life. This year, I want things to be different. I think the words "Live on Purpose" sum up what I want for myself in 2008. I want to live ON purpose and FOR a purpose. I want to be proactive...not reactive. I want to prevent fires...not have to run around putting them out.

I don't know that "resolutions" are much different than "commitments". But for some reason, it just sounds less threatening and more attainable to me. Resolutions sound like something you do out of expectation of others. Whereas a commitment, especially to myself, is more of a promise. For me it has more of a positive opposed to the negative and threatening resolutions of the past.

Go figure.