Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

This year has started off slow...and for that I am thankful. Because LAST year went out with a bang and no room to breathe! And I have to admit, between Christmas celebrations, family visiting and staying with us, New Year's parties and weddings in between...I haven't hardly cooked! And if I did get in the kitchen it was to grab yet another piece of Almond Roca!

I guess not cooking can be quite frugal since it forces everyone to choose from what we've got sitting around...leftovers, frozen corn dogs, frozen burritos, turkey sandwiches...or in my case, salami, sliced cheese and sugar snap peas in ranch.

I didn't make any resolutions. I haven't in years. Probably because I felt I was always setting myself up for failure. This year is no different. I haven't made any resolutions. But I have made a few commitments to myself. A list of "wants" if you will. Desires. None of them include weight or quitting any stinky habits. It's really a matter of setting a goal...and doing my best to reach it. I have never done that. I just go along handling things as they come my way without any real thought as to what I WANT in life. This year, I want things to be different. I think the words "Live on Purpose" sum up what I want for myself in 2008. I want to live ON purpose and FOR a purpose. I want to be proactive...not reactive. I want to prevent fires...not have to run around putting them out.

I don't know that "resolutions" are much different than "commitments". But for some reason, it just sounds less threatening and more attainable to me. Resolutions sound like something you do out of expectation of others. Whereas a commitment, especially to myself, is more of a promise. For me it has more of a positive opposed to the negative and threatening resolutions of the past.

Go figure.

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