Saturday, January 26, 2008

Long, lazy Saturday.

And BOY do I NEED it. I slept in until 8 this morning. I am usually up around 6am so that I can have about 45 minutes of quiet to read my bible. In June I decided to read the bible, cover to cover. I'm in Acts right now. I did get some reading time in this morning, which was nice. Then my husband got up and we sat around in our jammies sipping coffee.
My oldest son is sick...I am pretty sure he's got strep throat due to the tell-tale white spots on the back of his tongue. So rather than lounge around all day in my pj's I ended up showering and getting dressed to go to the store for some Jell-O, sherbet and Gatorade. I have the poor guy quarantined in his room since strep is so contagious. But he's got a pretty nice set up....cozy bed, lots of pillows, a bedside tray with juice, tissue and the remote. I also rented some movies for him to watch using his PS2! He's got it made...aside from that terrible croupe cough and sore throat, of course.
I'm doing the home remedy opposed to taking him to the doctor. I try to stay away from antibiotics as much as possible. I've never been one to rush my kids to the dr. at every sniffle or fever. And I read online that strep will go away in 3-7 days regardless if you take an antibiotic or not. So...we're opting for home care. I made some chicken soup..and that cures everything, right? He's staying hydrated thanks to Gatorade and otter pops! His fever spiked this afternoon so I'm just keeping a good eye on him. I did give him Tylenol to help with that and discomfort, though. I'm not against medication altogether. Just not a lot of it.

Earlier I was looking online for some home remedies using things I'd normally have in my cupboard. Because honestly, I don't keep bark and roots handy. I did find one web site...Granny Med I think?...that had a ton of home remedies. I just wasn't sure which ones would REALLY work. So...I didn't use any of them. Although the sliced onion soaked in honey did sound interesting. I'd be interested to know what is it in the onion that makes for a good sore throat remedy. Anyone have that answer? Let me know if you do!

I better check the chicken soup...I think it's due for a stir!

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