Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hesitant. Or, It's Not About Me.

I've pretty much always been frugal. I have always wanted the most for my money. I've always appreciated flea markets and garage sales. I'm not afraid of previously owned items...usually. I like a good bargain...and always have. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Along with being frugal I also want to be health conscious and to feed my family healthy food. I'm finding, however, that "frugal" and "healthy" don't always go together easily. But...although a big part of my challenge...this is not what I want to talk about.

It all started when the challenge to feed my family healthy food led me on a rabbit trail. I began searching frugal blogs...that led to money saving blogs...that led to sustainable living blogs...and organic blogs...and eventually to Green blogs. Sometimes the blog were all of the above...I think they must have rabbit trailed, too! However it happened...I stumbled upon my dilemma...

Are you ready?

OK. Here it is...

Reusable grocery bags.

There. I said it.

I know the words are nonthreatening enough...say it with me, "Reusable.Grocery.Bags". And I know I shouldn't let them intimidate me the way they do. Especially since I actually bought one not long ago from Trader Joe's. And that was easy enough to do. No threat. As a matter of fact, I was proud of it. And still am. My problem...and my hesitation...is buying reusable bags from larger chain grocery stores...Lucky, Safeway, etc. I see them EVERY time I shop. And I KNOW I need to buy them. But I don't. And I don't know why. And I cringe at the checkout...no matter what they bag my items in..."paper or plastic?". Why do I not buy them? And more importantly...USE them? Why? Is it because they're not cute like the one's at TJ's? Possibly. Or maybe it's because the regular grocer's aren't as...hip? to shop at? Maybe. Is it because I have a victim mentality and beating myself up for using plastic in some way makes me feel...something? No. That's not it. But it was kind of funny to think about in that way.

Honestly, I think it's because they're not as cute. Nor are they made as well. But really...is that what it's about? Is it about how they look? They're outward appearance? Or is it what they represent? And what they will DO for our environment...even if helping just a little bit to make a difference.

I know the answer to my rhetorical question. I do. I think what I need to do is let myself off the hook and commit to buying a couple of them...using them on a trial basis...and just SEE what I think. No pressure. No threat. No strings attached. That sounds good...I can do this.

I'll let you know how it goes.


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