Set goals.
For 2008 I won't be making any
resolutions, because for me a resolution is like saying I'm going to go on a diet. The word diet, for me, equates to "eat more". Quit smoking always meant "smoke more". (But I finally DID quit...thank God.)
Resolution means "set myself up for failure". And quite frankly, I want good things this year. I want success. I want to accomplish things. And in order to do this
successfully, I feel that setting goals is what I need to do.
Sadly, I've never really set goals. I've always flown by the seat of my pants, taking what came my way each day, like it or not, and dealing with it, rightly or not, as it flew at me. And somehow I've managed...I've survived. But I want more than that. I don't want to be content with managing or getting by. I want to make things happen on purpose. I want to LIVE on purpose. Not haphazardly. I don't mean that I want total control, or total organization, and no room to veer from that.
As far as I'm concerned, God is in total control. And I know that if I follow Him, rely on Him, stay focused on Him, and make this list of goals and rely on HIM to help me DO them...then I believe I will be successful, because of Him.
My list of goals will be made with God. I will take this desire to Him in prayer. I will follow Him, completely. Because His Word says that if I delight myself in Him, He will give me the desires of my heart. (He says this for you, too...!) And by "the desires of my heart" I don't mean a Cadillac and jewels. Sometimes we don't even KNOW the desires of our hearts until God places them there. Imagine! On the other hand, there are some things that I want out of life, and God knows them all. Some are spiritual. Some are physical. Some are financial. Some are for my husband, and for my kids. And yes, some of those desires are "stuff". He knows them all...because He knows my heart better than I do. So I'll ask Him for help in making this list of goals. I think I may be surprised by what ends up on that list!
I'm excited to see what God has in store for me.
I pray that you help me to set goals for my life. Speak to my heart, and I will do my best to listen. I love you, Lord.