Friday, February 15, 2008
I love a bargain.
Pink with Sprinkles!
Yesterday while perusing the clearance aisles at Target I ran across some PINK marshmallows! They were priced at .84 cents a bag! I couldn't resist...I bought three bags. Two for the kids Valentine's party we had at church last night and one for my own family. I purchased Target brand puffed rice cereal for $1.67 a box. So for roughly $7.50 I had three glorious pans of pink marshmallow-y goodness! They were delicious!
My Valentine was very sweet. At Christmas time I had mentioned wanting a wood carving tool set so that I can make some lino carvings. Well, he had already spent his Christmas budget for my presents and wasn't able to get the carving set for me. That was OK...his budget was well spent and I loved all of my Christmas presents. Christmas came and went and I pretty much forgot about the carving set...thinking of it on occasion and putting it in the back of my head for a "purchase someday". Then on Tuesday we were at the church helping with a luncheon and someone had brought a bag of Hershey's chocolates. I scrounged around looking for a Mr. Goodbar...without any luck...then made a comment about wishing there was a Mr. Goodbar in the bag because I love them so much.
So here's where the sweet part comes in. And I should preface this whole story with the fact that I told him I did NOT want flowers this year. For the amount of money spent on flowers I could have a WHOLE lot more AND it wouldn't die in 3 days. This meant he'd either have to get me nothing OR be creative. Luckily, he chose creative! My Valentine surprised me with a GIANT Mr. Goodbar and a wood carving tool set, AND some graphite tracing paper! He also gave me a nice card with the most beautiful words inside that he'd written himself. I was so touched. I think it just might be the best Valentine's Day yet. So thoughtful and romantic and sweet...I love him more and more each day.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
After a week's deliberation...
Monday, February 4, 2008
The price is right.
Do you find this to be true for you, too?
What's the best deal you've ever gotten on a favorite item?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Just another day at the thrift store.
Since then I've been frequenting flea markets, yard sales and thrift shops...and finding great deals along the way.
So last week I was at our local thrift shop that benefits a women's shelter here in town. They are really organized, have great prices and are super nice. I asked about canning supplies one day and it led to a lengthy conversation with my new canning friend, Francine. Francine works at the thrift shop...and she cans...and she sets stuff aside for me in her trunk for when I come in the next time! How nice is that? She's set aside a dozen quart size canning jars and a large canning pot with a rack for me. I bought it all.
When I was in last week picking up the canning supplies I saw a really cool, old tri-fold mirror. It was marked $35. And worth it. But I had to think on it. Dangerous move in the world of thrift shops. Here today, gone tomorrow. I learned that the hard way last week when I did NOT buy the gorgeous china plates and platter for $6 only to go back the next day specifically to buy it (because it would be SO CUTE on a dining room wall but I don't have a dining room wall so I had a hard time justifying the purchase even though I should have bought the stuff and saved it for when I DO have a dining room. OK. Lesson learned.) and it was gone, gone, gone. And probably hanging on someone else's dining room wall looking totally cute. Dangit. First time, shame on you. Second time, shame on me. So I bought the mirror. And I'm glad I did. If I hadn't, it would be like "the one that got away". Much like the china, dangit.
Also shown is the afghan...I actually purchased this a few weeks back and am just now getting a picture of it!
The best part of it all? I still love these items. No buyer's remorse...not one tiny bit. And THAT is what makes it worth it...right?
The Super Bowl. It's all about the food.
For the record...we're rooting for the Giants.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Give a girl a fig.
Friday, February 1, 2008
"...and let the flavors marry."
Fast forward to today...and a crazy morning of running late, a sick kid, too much to do and not enough food in the house. I left the house with nothing in mind for lunch. And being on a usual...I dreaded the thought of buying convenience food...again. Then I remembered, "Hey. I think I have one container of lentil soup left in the freezer at the office!" Sure enough, I peeked in the freezer and there it was. I have to admit, I wasn't real excited about it. But, it was sustenance, and healthy sustenance at that, so it would do. To my surprise...and delight...lentil soup gets better with age! Apparently lentil soup is much like spaghetti sauce or anything "the next day" and the flavor improves! Nice.
Now I'm full. And satisfied. And encouraged to do more cooking and freezing! Anyone have any recipes they'd like to share that freeze well? I'm all ears!